Memories of the way we were

“I suspect that everything we remember has symbolic meaning, is re-delivered to us as a suggestion, a lesson, a reminder, or else perhaps a haunting, a ghost consigned to the human realm until it completes some bit of unfinished business.” —Melissa Febos, Body Work (p. 117). Today, I invite you to think about memories. WriteContinue reading “Memories of the way we were”

What do you take for granted?

I’ve been thinking lately about assumptions. Interrogating assumptions is scary. What if they’re wrong? But that doesn’t have to be the conclusion. Some assumptions I look at and say, yeah, ok, that sounds about right. Being conscious of our assumptions doesn’t mean we have to test them all the time. Just that we know whatContinue reading “What do you take for granted?”

Write about Learning Something New

When was the last time you tried learning something new? When was the last time you tried learning in a new way? Today, I invite you to think about learning. What does learning mean to you? How do you learn best? Consider these questions for your main character. Has your main character learned anything duringContinue reading “Write about Learning Something New”

Write about your Purpose in Life

We use stories to help us make sense of the world. Making sense of the world often means finding meaning or purpose. In his book Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl said, “Those who have a ‘why’ to live can bear with almost any ‘how’.” What does having a purpose mean to you? What isContinue reading “Write about your Purpose in Life”